Pioneering Net-Zero Aviation: Expliseat Labeled by the French Observatory of Sustainable Aviation

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In the dynamic landscape of sustainable aviation, Expliseat took centre stage as a trailblazer, showcasing groundbreaking innovations during the third stage of the Territorial Meetings organized by the Observatory of Sustainable Aviation. On September 13, 2023, we had the honour to welcome Damien Cazé, Director General of Civil Aviation, and Sandra Combet, Secretary General of the Observatory of Sustainable Aviation (OAD), alongside the Agency for Innovation in Transportation, at our Head Office in Paris. Notably, Expliseat has been honoured with the AOD label, signifying our commitment to providing viable solutions for decarbonizing aviation and supporting airlines in their sustainability objectives.

The TiSeat 2: Our Pioneer of Innovation

Among the remarkable innovations showcased, the spotlight was on the TiSeat 2. This patented aircraft seat, constructed with a primary composite structure and crafted from recycled materials, currently holds the title of the world’s lightest airplane seat, being 30% lighter than traditional seats. Available on various aircraft such as ATR, B737, DHC8, and A320, the TiSeat 2 embodies our commitment to blending comfort and robustness while actively contributing to the broader goals of the industry to embrace sustainability and reduce the carbon footprint.

Environmental Impact: A Testament to Our Technical Prowess

The innovative solutions presented to our guests translate directly into tangible environmental benefits. Through a substantial decrease in the overall weight of the aircraft, we achieve a remarkable reduction in CO2 emissions, ranging from 3 to 6% per passenger. This achievement highlights the capacity of our technical and technological innovations to serve as pivotal tools in the ongoing efforts to decarbonize the aviation sector.

Third Territorial Meeting Highlights

During the third Territorial Meeting, Damien Cazé and Sandra Combet explored our technological solutions, witnessing firsthand our ultralight aircraft seats that redefine industry standards. The lightweight materials, coupled with high-performance technology, enable a significant reduction in aircraft mass, ranging from 600 to 1,800 kg, depending on the aircraft type. Gervais Gaudière, Director of the Technical Service of Civil Aviation (STAC) and Coordinator of the Agency for Innovation in Transportation (AIT), was also part of the delegation, emphasizing the collaborative efforts driving sustainable aviation forward.

"Sustainable aviation is a common and global goal from aircraft OEMs to airline operators. To achieve the decarbonization of aviation, Expliseat is playing a major role since our unique and innovative enabled an immediate and significant weight reduction, leading to substantial fuel and CO2 reduction. By flying with our lightweight seats, we are helping a community of 20+ airlines across the world optimize their operations along with their environmental objectives. It is an honour and great recognition to receive the label from OAD and the support from DGAC, rewarding the technological advances of Expliseat and offering the next-generation lightest aviation seat."

Our groundbreaking contributions to sustainable aviation underscore our dedication to innovation and the development of a greener aviation sector in France. As we look ahead, these achievements stand as a beacon of inspiration for the aviation industry, demonstrating that eco-friendly practices and technological advancements can go hand in hand, propelling the world towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

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